Reciprocal Reading Strategy Card Deck
Teach Reading Strategies explicitly with Strategy.
With this purchase you have 5 sets of reciprocal reading strategy cards.
Each set includes:
Teacher Guide/ Instruction Sheet
Predictor card 🔮
Clarifier card 🔎
Questioner card ❓
Summarizer card 📝
Students receive role cards during interactive reading activities. By developing these 4 skills, students can master reading comprehension strategies.
Teach Reading Strategies explicitly with Strategy.
With this purchase you have 5 sets of reciprocal reading strategy cards.
Each set includes:
Teacher Guide/ Instruction Sheet
Predictor card 🔮
Clarifier card 🔎
Questioner card ❓
Summarizer card 📝
Students receive role cards during interactive reading activities. By developing these 4 skills, students can master reading comprehension strategies.
Teach Reading Strategies explicitly with Strategy.
With this purchase you have 5 sets of reciprocal reading strategy cards.
Each set includes:
Teacher Guide/ Instruction Sheet
Predictor card 🔮
Clarifier card 🔎
Questioner card ❓
Summarizer card 📝
Students receive role cards during interactive reading activities. By developing these 4 skills, students can master reading comprehension strategies.