TESL - A Crash Course

A guided review of the Quebec ESL program. This course is designed specifically for NLQ teachers and those needing a refresher. You will become familiarized with the essential components and requirements of the Quebec ministerial TESL objectives. By the end of the course, you'll have a thorough understanding of how to effectively teach English as a second language in line with MEQ guidelines. Ignite your confidence and creative spark; this course will empower you to bring your best to the classroom every day.

Course Content:

📘 A thorough review of the Quebec Ministerial Guidelines for the TESL program.

📘 Detailed insights into the progression of learning and the framework of the evaluation of learning.

📘 In-depth exploration of the effective teaching and evaluation of all three competencies.

📘 Strategies for teaching learning strategies and the writing process tailored for ESL learners.

As always, course participants will receive resources and content designed to help you excel in your daily teaching practices.

Coming August 2024!

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Meet your instructors

Meet your instructors ✳

Sophie Giroux, B.Ed

Nairy Kazandjian, M.Ed

We are two educators committed to sharing innovative and up-to-date approaches and evidence based practices with others in the field.