Why Teachers Need to Try Chat-GPT!
Scroll down for 10 things Chat GPT can save you time with!
So here is what you need to do:
Here are a few things you can ask:
Write me a 60 minute lesson plan on the short story “Enemy Pie” .
Didn’t like it, ask it for another option.
Here is another tip:
Re-write this text to suit 6th grade ESL learners (insert text).
Make me a vocabulary list and definitions based on the new text.
Write 10 reading comprehension questions based on the text.
Working on student writing? Ask Chat GPT to generate writing prompts for descriptive texts, short stories…
Want to write poems for each student on their birthday? Not a problem… just say the word.
Now you might be thinking, well here we go, AI is about to take my job! But here is the catch, none of Chat-GPT’s outputs should be taken without consideration. For everything it gives you, you must think critically, adapt it and alter it to best suit your and your students’ needs.
Here is a list 10 tasks that Chat GPT can do in minutes!
Create writing prompts.
Create discussion questions (even for stations!)
Create Quiz questions.
Build a vocabulary list based on a text, or write a text using the vocabulary being learnt!
Analyze an essay, make suggestions based on the provided rubric and provide on going feedback.
Differentiate text for different level learners.
Make suggestions for a lesson plan ending with your learning objective.
Revise your lesson plan and give you feedback
Create rubric for a given task.
Create letter templates, emails, rewrite emails in a second language (although I prefer not to translate directly, instead give Chat GPT context and ask for an original text — but that kind of prompt engineering is for another day).
So no more excuses! Imagine how much more creative we can become with all the time we save! Let’s let AI speed up the robotic process so we can continue adding the irreplaceable human element that is required for great teaching to happen!